
The Adventures of

Olive the Sea Turtle

A children’s book series.

The Adventures of Olive the Sea Turtle will follow Olive through her trials, her challenges, and her triumphs -- her entire life cycle. Grounded in the harsh and beautiful realities of sea turtle biology, this book both explores the scientific facts of sea turtle life and offers an action-packed story with an inspiring and incredibly determined hero. In this first book, Olive frees herself from her nest, only to discover a world filled with excitement, wonder, and danger . . . . So begins her amazing journey!

The Adventures of Olive the Sea Turtle: From the Nest to the Sea is a story about one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet, a creature that every day faces ever-increasing risk. It's also a story about courage, determination, and perseverance. Filled with both accurate science and important life-lessons, The Adventures of Olive the Sea Turtle: From the Nest to the Sea is a perfect story for all ages, especially for those beginning readers who love nature, who love its creatures, and who love the planet Earth.

The Adventures of Olive the Sea Turtle: From the Nest to the Sea is now available on Amazon!



